Terry, I am sending a copy of this by hard mail to your mom’s address. Thanks for setting up this website. I have attached a couple of your dad’s pictures from when he was with us, though you may still have them around the house.
Dear Carol,
When I read of Fenno’s death, I pulled the 1949 Pasquaney Annual from the shelf. I did not have to look up on any database what his years were. It was his second summer as a counsellor, still four years before I was born. Yet I have felt his presence powerfully because it has endured at Pasquaney in the over half century since Fenno was here. The cheerful picture of him with his fellow counsellors, so many of them singers, made me realize how they must have enjoyed being together. I know they formed a quartet in at least one of those years. Fenno directed Yale musicians to Pasquaney long after he left. He was succeeded by Fred Pittman. Fred told me a few years ago that Fenno and Marshall Bartholomew (Mr. Barty) sat him down in the Yale Glee Club office in 1951 and told Fred what he was about to do with his summer: serve on the Pasquaney council. Fred has recently endowed a scholarship for campers from the
With warm wishes,
Vin Broderick,
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