A MEMORIAL SERVICE WAS HELD ON SAT. MARCH 28TH, 2009 AT BATTELL CHAPEL, Yale University, at 3:00pm. All were cordially invited. Over 800 in attendance! DVD available through the Yale Glee Club office.

Service details: Tom Murray, University Organist, started the prelude 20 minutes before the 3 p.m. service began. There were performances by The Yale Glee Club, The Yale Alumni Chorus, The Whiffenpoofs of 2009, The SLOT's, and The University Glee Club of New Haven. A magnificent, and humbling, tribute.

Contributions in memory of Fenno may be sent to the
North Congregational Church P.O. Box 307 New Hartford CT 06057.

Condolences may be sent directly to the family (Carol, Sarah, Lucy, Peggy, Terry) at pogilvy@comcast.net

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F F Heath Jr. 12-30-1926 to 12-05-2008

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Please feel free to share your memories with us about Fenno/Dad. Send your stories/memories to pogilvy@comcast.net and we will gladly post your letter, unless you indicate otherwise.

Thank you. Your letters bring us joy.


~Carol, Sarah, Lucy, Peggy, and Terry Heath

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Here's to Fenno, the Giant !

Well, we've lost a giant, haven't we.  Fenno may have been small in stature, but in every other respect he was what a talented leader is all about.  The worst thing about growing old is not that you wake up every morning experiencing pain or discomfort somewhere, or that you've come to realize that you have not lived up to your potential as a father, a husband, a friend, or in your chosen profession.  No, the cruelest companion of aging is the irreplaceable loss of so many friends you have known throughout the years...friends you wish you had had more quality time with, time which would have enriched and broadened not only your personal relationship, but added substance, creativity and wonderment to a world often lacking in all of the above.  Happily such people leave memories that warm the heart, and which leave those left behind with a greater sense of community, a more urgent desire to be available and empathetic to those we love as friends and family.  So here's to Fenno, the giant !  

Dwight "Froggy" Townsend, Yale and Whiffenpoof '55

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