A MEMORIAL SERVICE WAS HELD ON SAT. MARCH 28TH, 2009 AT BATTELL CHAPEL, Yale University, at 3:00pm. All were cordially invited. Over 800 in attendance! DVD available through the Yale Glee Club office.

Service details: Tom Murray, University Organist, started the prelude 20 minutes before the 3 p.m. service began. There were performances by The Yale Glee Club, The Yale Alumni Chorus, The Whiffenpoofs of 2009, The SLOT's, and The University Glee Club of New Haven. A magnificent, and humbling, tribute.

Contributions in memory of Fenno may be sent to the
North Congregational Church P.O. Box 307 New Hartford CT 06057.

Condolences may be sent directly to the family (Carol, Sarah, Lucy, Peggy, Terry) at pogilvy@comcast.net

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F F Heath Jr. 12-30-1926 to 12-05-2008

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Please feel free to share your memories with us about Fenno/Dad. Send your stories/memories to pogilvy@comcast.net and we will gladly post your letter, unless you indicate otherwise.

Thank you. Your letters bring us joy.


~Carol, Sarah, Lucy, Peggy, and Terry Heath

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lamb White Days

Fenno --

I am sad that in the years since Yale I did not take the time to say once again how very much you and your music have enriched my life. Listing the ways is like sorting a handful of sand – there are so many grains, I can’t capture them.

Here is some of what you gave me:

Franz Biebl’s Ave Maria

Randall Thompson’s Alleluia

Johannes Brahm’s Requiem

Fenno Heath’s Fern Hill

Some of my best friends and my best memories

A part in the history of the Yale Glee Club, and a tiny voice in your great song of life

“And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns

About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home,

In the sun that is young once only,

Time let me play and be

Golden in the mercy of his means.”

I am a better singer because of you.

I am a better person because of you.

The world is more full of life and music because of you, Fenno.

You are immortal in music, in the lives of all who knew and sang with you, and in my heart. Alleluia.

-Kathryn Haines ‘93

Kathryn L. Haines Technical Editor and Marketing Assistant Golder Associates Inc.
Spring Mill Corporate Center, 555 North Lane, Suite 6057, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, USA 19428

T: +1 (610) 941-8173 D: +1 (610) 941-8173 ext. 16324 F: +1 (610) 941-8174 E:
khaines@golder.com www.golder.com


  1. Katherine, that is such a beautiful letter. It brings tears to my eyes - of joy, really. Thank you.
    -Sarah Heath '74

  2. Dear Sarah Sedgwick Heath:
    Fenno's composition of the Fern Hill is the most meaningful piece of music I've ever encountered. He took Dylan Thomas' sentiment and brought the college-age singer to an understanding of the whole path of life. I will always cherish Fenno and his magnificent earthy approach to song. My deepest sympathy to the family and to all of us YGC folks for this loss. Sincerely Sarah Hiestand 81
